Simon Lupart

I am a first-year PhD candidate in Information Retrieval at the IRLab, University of Amsterdam (UvA). After completing my Master’s degree, I conducted research in Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval at Naver Labs Europe for two years, where I was part of the Search and Recommendation team. I then joined UvA to pursue a PhD and dedicate myself fully to academic research. My doctoral studies are supervised by Prof. Dr. Evangelos Kanoulas and Dr. Mohammad Aliannejadi.

Interested in information retrieval (IR), with a particular focus on

  • conversational search,
  • distributions shifts,
  • adversarial training,
  • large language models (LLMs).

My curriculum vitae is available here.

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I have several papers first/co-author published in proceedings, such as SIGIR, ICTIR, ECIR and AAAI.

  1. Guglielmo Faggioli, Thibault Formal, Simon Lupart, Stefano Marchesin, Stephane Clinchant, Nicola Ferro, Benjamin Piwowarski. Towards Query Performance Prediction for Neural Information Retrieval: Challenges and Opportunities. Long Paper at ICTIR’23. [link]
  2. Hervé Déjean, Stephane Clinchant, Carlos Lassance, Simon Lupart, Thibault Formal. Benchmarking Middle-Trained Language Models for Neural Search. Short Paper at SIGIR’23. [link]
  3. Carlos Lassance, Simon Lupart, Hervé Dejean, Stephane Clinchant, Nicola Tonellotto. A Static Pruning Study on Sparse Neural Retrievers. Short Paper at SIGIR’23. [link]
  4. Simon Lupart, Thibault Formal, Stephane Clinchant. MS-Shift: An Analysis of MS MARCO Distribution Shifts on Neural Retrieval. Full Paper at ECIR’23. [link]
  5. Simon Lupart, Stephane Clinchant. A Study on FGSM Adversarial Training for Neural Retrieval. Short Paper at ECIR’23. [link]
  6. Simon Lupart, Benoit Favre, Vassilina Nikoulina, Salah Ait-Mokhtar. Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Classification of Biomedical Articles in Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Workshop paper SDU@AAAI22. [link]

Teaching & Supervision

  • TREC Track Coordinators
  • Volunteer during the 15th European Summer School on Information Retrieval (ESSIR’24)
    • Organization of the Hackathon - on the Conversational Search task
    • Github repository (essir24-convsearch)
  • Teaching assistant:
    • Information Retrieval 1, 2023-2024, University of Amsterdam; lab, grading and exam preparation
    • Information Retrieval 2, 2023-2024, University of Amsterdam; project design and supervision


  • October 2023-Present
  • Sept. 2020 – April 2021
    • Erasmus Exchange, Imperial College London (Computing Dpt.), London, UK
  • Sept. 2018 – July 2021
    • Master of Engineering, ENSIMAG (Computing/Math Eng. School), Grenoble, France


  • Email: